Assistant Manager – QHSC, Swiggy

JD: Responsible for ensuring that the Supplier Quality Assurance develop their process in line with the customer’s design intent and verify their systems to ensure they are compliant with internal and external specifications. 

Roles And Responsibilities:

  • Contribute to creating and implementing best practice quality practices, strategies, policies, processes, and procedures to aid and improve operational performance.
  • Contribute to new business initiatives, vendors, and projects and review and communicate the impact on Supplier Quality activities.
  • Lead supplier development strategy, designing the function and supplier performance metrics.
  • Support SCM with the supplier approval process by assessing manufacturing/technology capabilities and Health, Safety, and Environmental risks.
  • Support new product launches to ensure suppliers are capable of delivering to the required quality standards.
  • Manage the root cause analysis and corrective actions process of supplier quality issues.
  • Perform on-site supplier visits for root cause analysis and verification of corrective actions of supplier quality issues.
  • Review and evaluate supplier quality data to identify process improvement opportunities within the supply chain.
  • Monitor and report on supplier product quality and performance understanding any commercial issues and impacts.
  • Manage the Supplier’s Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
  • Conduct benchmarking studies to determine best practices/designs and future trends.
  • Perform root cause analysis and resolve problems.
  • Undertake personal continuous training and development.
  • Manage customer PPM (Parts per Million), supplier PPM, supplier problem-solving on time, cost recovery, and supplier warranty indicators.
  • Stay current and up to date on any changes that may affect the supply and demand of needed products and materials and advise others of any impact.
  • Set department objectives/KPIs and review and assess the ongoing performance of direct reports.
  • Report on achievement of targets and identify any actions required.
  • Monitor the completion of tasks and ensure good performance and record on appropriate systems.
  • Develop and maintain strong relationships with internal and external stakeholders to ensure optimal performance.
  • Participate in cross-functional teams in the development of new products or changes related to current products in meeting customer requirements.
  • Participate in cross-functional teams in the development of new products or changes related to current products in meeting customer requirements Review, implement, and update company records e.g. training matrices, performance reviews, and risk assessments.

Job Specification:

Education Qualification: Graduate/Post-graduate in Food Technology, Food Science, Microbiology ” 

Additional Certifications (If applicable) :  BRC, FSSC 22000 or ISO 22000 or HACCP and ISO 45000 or ISO 14000

Experience: Minimum 10 years of experience in the ” Food industry” specifically in FMCG, E-commerce, and Retail Worked Large scale FMCG/Retail/ E-commerce 

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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  • Nahali
    April 11, 2023

    require job in quality

  • Bhavana
    April 12, 2023

    I would like to take a level of position in an external organization where my knowledge,sincerity,hardwork and skills would greatly enhance the company sucess and own personal growth

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