Amul launches Organic whole wheat atta

Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) (Amul Federation), the largest food products organization in India, has announced the launch of ‘Amul organic atta’. Amul has been an outstanding example of the power of the farmer’s cooperative movement born way back in 1946 before India gained freedom. It has now become a household name, and all Indians have tasted the products at different phases of their life. 

Amul, India’s largest and fastest growing dairy organization globally, is now all set to venture into the organic/prakrutik food industry. The first product to be launched in Amul’s organic product portfolio is Amul organic whole wheat atta. Further, it will be launching organic products like organic moong daal, organic tur daal, organic chana daal and organic basmati rice.

On the occasion of commencement of the production of Amul organic atta, chairman Kaira Union Ram Singh Parmar shared that Honorable Minister of Home Affairs and the first minister of co-operation Amit Shah advised Amul to work towards the development of organic/prakrutik food industry and develop both backward and forward linkages. He further said that increasing fertilizer usage and a high fertilizer subsidy cost of Rs 2 lakh crore is a matter of concern for the government, and high input cost due to fertilizers is an added burden on the farmers.

The production of Amul Organic Atta is being done at the state of the art processing facility, Tribhuvan Das Patel Mogar Food Complex. The plant is equipped with highly automated and advanced machinery for processing its various products, including Amul chocolates and Amul cookies.

Amul organic whole wheat atta is certified by APEDA

Amul organic atta is made from 100% certified organic wheat, completely pesticide-free. The product goes through a thorough lab testing procedure multiple times to make sure that the product is as per the organic standard laid down by the Government of India. Amul organic atta is certified by the reputed certifying agency accredited by APEDA. The whole chain is organically certified, starting right from the farmer fields to a processing facility and trading organizations.

R S Sodhi, managing director of Amul Federation, said that on the sourcing side, Amul is in the process of developing a pool of organic/prakrutik farmers and replicating their existing milk model in the organic sourcing. This will increase the income of organic farmers and will lead to the overall democratization of the organic/prakrutik food industry. Currently, the major challenge for the farmers is the unavailability of market linkage for organic products and the high cost of organic testing facilities. 

Therefore, along with the creation of market linkage for organic farmers, it is in the process of setting up organic testing laboratories at 5 locations across India equipped with advanced technologies to minimize the testing cost. The first lab is being established at the Amul Fed Dairy in Ahmedabad, and subsequently, the other five labs will come up at various locations across India.

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