Alpenliebe launches the country’s first cream-filled caramel lollipop

Perfetti Van Melle India introduces India’s first cream-filled caramel lollipop with the launch of Alpenliebe Popfills. Based on the consumer insight of kids preferring to lick the lollipop first and then chomp on it, the latest delectable innovation is aimed to offer a unique and differentiated ‘Lick & Chomp’ experience of creamy, caramel filling inside the lollipop clubbed with the crunchy exterior making it a first for the brand and the category

One of India’s most-loved candy brands, Alpenliebe has been the leader in the lollipop category. The brand intends to strengthen its position through the latest innovation ‘Alpenliebe Popfills’. The product is priced at INR 5/- and is available across retail stores in India.

The roll-out of Alpenliebe Popfills is being supported by an announcer communication which will form the pillar of the 360-degree campaign.

Sharing views on the new product launch, Mr. Rajesh Ramakrishnan, managing director, Perfetti Van Melle India (PVMI), said, “Alpenliebe, through its philosophy of “Bringing hearts closer” has delighted consumers with innovative offerings.

The launch of Alpenliebe Popfills unlocks a huge opportunity for the brand. The launch communication is yet another attempt to engage with our consumers and provide them an opportunity to deepen the family bond.”

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