Quality Incharge – Vark Snack Food Pvt. Ltd.

About Us


We are a food processing company engaged in manufacturing of snack food products & breakfast cereals.

Our state-of-the-art production facility is in Bhiwadi, Rajasthan, where we make a wide range of products using various cereals such as rice, wheat, corn, ragi, quinoa, oats, etc. Our monthly production capacity is in excess of 180MT.


– We aim to emerge as a top vendor for all snack food products & breakfast cereals supplying to the top brands in the country.

– We aspire to be the unparalleled leader in development of snack food products & breakfast cereals by adhering to the highest standards for quality, consistency, sustainability and dependability.


– Be synonymous with purity and hygiene.

– Strive to grow our business with the same honesty and integrity with which we manufacture our products.

– Continue to source our ingredients from partners we trust, supporting communities and creating meaningful relationships with those around us.

– Wish to foster a value creating work environment for our team, by treating them with respect and facilitating personal and professional development.

  • Position – Quality Incharge
  • Company name- Vark Snack Food Pvt. Ltd.
  • Location – Bhiwadi 
  • Experience – 3- 5 years
  •  Salary- Negotiable/ As per candidate

Job Profile-

1. Implement & maintain quality control procedures in accordance with company standards & industry regulations.

2. Manage & maintain daily quality check (QC) & quality assurance (QA) of RM, PM & FG in desired format.

3. Communication of any deviations for real time action.

4. Lead third party certification audits.

5. Conduct training programs for manufacturing team on GMP and Food Safety.

6. Knowledge and understanding of quality control & quality assurance programs and concepts.

7. Knowledge of FSMS ( ISO 22000:2018, FSSC)

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