Quality Assurance Executive (Beverage Division) – S M Foods

We make North-East’s favourite range of pickles, fresh juices, jams, sauces and more — we bring the celebration of taste with freshness and health of fruits and vegetables.

Established in 2005, Freshy is the brand of food products from S.M. Commotrade Pvt. Ltd. The company, with its vast and highly advanced processing and packaging units offers a range of food and allied products to consumers across the key locations in the North-East of India. High on quality and taste, Freshy products are trusted and loved by consumers across age groups.

S.M. Group is committed to bringing a refreshing change in the way food is produced and consumed in households. We understand the world of foods, the tasteful delight that food can bring to everyday living as well as to any special occasion. Steeped in the culture of North-east, we understand the various disciplines of cooking in this part of India and the way food is relished or celebrated. Which is why, we take immense care in the measurements of various aspects used in our recipes. We follow the traditional way of producing food, and stick to the legacy of tastes created in the households of the North-east.

This commitment to traditional taste makes Freshy, North-east favourite! Not just the taste, but quality and health are given critical importance in preparation, processing and packaging of all our products. The company has invested in large-format, highly mechanised processing units to ensure that chances of aberration and adulteration are eliminated at every stage of preparing our products. Spread over 100,000 sq. Ft. our recent plant is capable of producing mega quantities with ease and efficiency, while retaining the freshness and consistency in taste.

S.M. endeavours to be an OUTSTANDING COMPANY focused on producing the best QUALITY and most INNOVATIVE Products for its Consumers and in the process build a Formidable Organization which, can take on the best in the industry and is focused on the aspirations and development of its Partners and Associates.
The Spirit of Excellence is the guiding force for the company.

Foster a strong emotive feeling of oneness and ownership with the Company.
To become the most admired company in North East.

We are hiring for a Quality Assurance Executive ( Beverage Division ) at S M Foods , Guwahati ( Assam ) Mail your resume at –

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

📲 Foodtech Network WhatsApp Jobs Group
🔗 https://bit.ly/3wOWtdT

🖥 Food Safety Training programs
🔗 https://bit.ly/3fbjKRz

📈 Food Entrepreneurs & Startups (Our services)
🔗 https://bit.ly/3JDyPIN

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