Freshers, QC Chemist – Davat Beverages

Davat Beverages is a world-class beverages company. Offering more than a dozen brands, we satisfy the requirements of diverse consumers. Our operations and markets today are spread across Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan.


Right from our inception, we have focused on the highest standards in quality that address customer satisfaction and regulatory compliance. We believe in continuously improving our products based on feedback from our customers.


At Davat, research and development is an integral part of developing newer products and flavors. Our team of highly qualified, competent and experienced professionals include engineers, technicians, quality controllers, sales personnel, analysts and others.


Our modern production facilities, based in Rajkot, Gujarat is designed with the best infrastructure, technology, machines and processes to enable high scalability with quality. We provide an engaging, rewarding and growth-oriented work environment to our skilled workforce.

QC-Chemist, Davat Beverages

  • Post – Qc Chemist
  • Opening – 8 Nos
  • Experience: Freshers or 0.6 TO 01 years in BEVERAGES
  • Location: Vill.- Moviya, Gondal, Gujarat,
  • Qualifications: B.Sc. Chemistry/ Food tech
  • Salary: up to 03 Lpa

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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