Production Executive – Moreish Foods Pvt Ltd

Moreish Foods

Moreish Foods Limited was established in Ranchi, Jharkhand in 1989. Moreish has today grown into Eastern India’s largest bread manufacturing company. Moreish Bread, has grown into a premium well-known and loved brand in eastern India.

A passion for crafting quality and healthy products and efficient delivery systems has enabled Moreish to be the leading brand in all markets it has entered in the last 3 decades. Moreish started its first bread manufacturing unit in 1989 and since then has added 4 new state-of-the-art manufacturing units across Jharkhand, Bihar, Odisha and West Bengal.

Moreish manufactures a wide range of Breads and Buns, various other bakery products such as Cream Roll, Cookies, Cakes, Christmas Cakes, Rusks and other Puff products. Moreish also manufactures various baked snacks which are available at its retail stores.


“To ensure our Products have the Best, Wholesome, Natural and Healthy ingredients; Baked with Love and Attention in the most Hygienic Environment using least amount of Chemicals and Preservatives and Reach the consumer as quickly as possible.”

We want our customers to be rest assured that our products will not just satiate but also provide energy and add to well being.

Bread and Bakery Products are consumed by Children, Youth and People of all ages. We go the extra mile to ensure safe and healthy products by way of automation, strict maintenance of cleanliness and hygiene. We can ensure this quality since all our factories are company owned and the majority of distribution is also company managed.

Most of our equipment is of European and Japanese make. Our Ingredients and raw materials are quality tested very regularly to ensure that only the best ingredients are used in every Moreish product.

Name of the company – Moreish Foods Pvt Ltd

Location – Ranchi Jharkhand

  • Designation – Production Executive
  • Qualifications – Food Technology Background
  • Experience – Fresher or Experienced
  • No. of vacancy – 2

Both Male & Female candidates can apply

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🔬👩‍🎓 Join Food safety Training Programs (Online/Offline)
• FOSTAC Training
• Internal Auditor
• Level 1 Training
• 5G training
• Virtual Internship


  • Sangam Baliram Pawar
    September 18, 2022

    Job requirement

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