Head – QA & NPD (Dairy)
Milk Mantra

Senior Leadership Role responsible for Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Research & Development, and New Product Development across all plants of Milk Mantra.

Position: Head – QA & NPD (Dairy)

Location: Gop, Konark(Main plant), Sambalpur & any new plant or upcoming 

Job Description:

  • Lead and drive all Operational & QA compliance activities, ensuring products have the expected level of quality while maintaining the required standards.
  • Ensuring compliance to guidelines given by FSSAI or any other applicable law/rule with regard to food safety/food processing / SOP in plant operations – procurement, processing, and sales as per FSSAI.
  • Ensure all-time inspection readiness of operations, including preparation for regulatory inspections.
  • Foster in doing the right things right-first-time culture across operations.
  • Implement Quality management system and governance, propose and implement improvements
  • Drive quality management improvements, review and analyze them on a weekly, monthly, and annual basis to identify trends

  • Collaborating with the plant head and procurement lead to improve quality in operations – by proactively identifying and closing gaps in the process.
  • Ensure consistency, standardization, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of approaches while always maintaining compliance with regulations and client expectations through continuous performance feedback and providing requisite training.
  • Define, implement, monitor quality strategy and implement appropriate metrics relentlessly seeking and implementing best practices or any improvements
  • Driving research and development across all product categories. In collaboration with cross-functional teams, research product ideas, determine feasibility, create prototypes, etc.
  • Lead, manage, develop, and coach the team, fostering the right behavioral mindset.
  • Closely interacts with all business functions to ensure effective contribution to achieving desired standards.

Experience/Skills required:

  • Must have led large teams.
  • Systems Thinking Approach
  • Agility, problem-solving approach and end to end ownership are critical
  • Partner with Businesses to provide and implement business solutions
  • Bring in Industry Best Practices
  • Well-organized, detail-oriented, and able to effectively prioritize and manage a broad and demanding workload

Note: Candidates from Dairy Industry & Immediate joiners are preferred. The gross compensation offered will be the best in the industry and carry a performance-linked incentive.

🔔👥 WhatsApp –  Join our groups for regular updates (Jobs, News, Training etc) If you are already in our groups, please don’t join. All Groups are same.

🔬👩‍🎓 Join Food safety Training Programs (Online/Offline)
• FOSTAC Training
• Internal Auditor
• Level 1 Training
• 5G training
• Virtual Internship


  • tejal akhade
    October 11, 2022

    I am freshure

  • tejal bhatu akhade
    October 11, 2022

    I am freshure

  • Vijaykumar
    October 11, 2022

    Waiting for your reply

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