Assistant Manager Production, Bisleri

We at Bisleri are committed to providing our consumers with pure, safe and healthy drinking water. Hence, Bisleri mineral water is our Promise of Goodness.

So, what does the water get before it reaches you? Tender loving care and more. Trusted by millions since 1969, every Bisleri bottle goes through a Rigorous 10-step Quality Process and 114 Tests, so you get guaranteed purity in every drop.

Our vision is to be the dominant player in the branded water business. We must expand and be a leader in the premium beverage category.

We must have world class quality, at the lowest production and distribution cost. This will make us an unbeatable leader, and we will have satisfied loyal customers.

Bisleri believes in Integrity, Teamwork, Cooperation, Quality, Passion, Openness and Transparency.

We believe in providing exciting opportunities for our people who will in turn add value to our business. We believe that our people are our greatest assets and that building their capabilities will help us grow our organization. We provide a platform for our people to innovate, accelerate and drive our business with passion and excellence.

We are hiring Assistant Manager Productions for Mumbai – Andheri Location.

  • Experience :- 6+ Years
  • Location:- Mumbai – Andheri
  • Industry Experience:- FMCG, Beverage, Food Processing, Must
  • Experience:-
    • 1. Understanding Production Process.
    • 2. Team Handling.
    • 3. Maintain Quality Standards.

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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📈 Food Entrepreneurs & Startups (Our services)

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