The Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology

Area of research and development-

  • Environmental toxicology
  • Food, drug, and chemical toxicology
  • Nanomaterial toxicology
  • Regulatory toxicology
  • System toxicology and health risk assessment
  • Computational toxicology

Eligibility criteria for CSIR IITR Lucknow Ph.D. admission –

Ph.D. in Science– bachelor’s degree in engineering/ technology or master’s degree with a good academic record and valid fellowship through national entrance test like JRFs of various funding agencies e.g., CSIR/UGC/ICMR/DBT etc.

Ph.D. biological science–  bachelor degree in engineering/ technology, or master’s degree in biochemistry/ biotechnology/ microbial technology/ microbial technology/ bioinformatics/ environmental sciences/ food science/ food technology/ microbiology/ industrial microbiology/ molecular biology/ nanotechnology/ Nano biosciences/ pharmaceutical sciences/ toxicology/ zoology/ human genetics/ virology/ forensic science.

Ph.D. , chemical sciences– bachelor’s degree in engineering/ technology, or master’s degree in organic chemistry/ analytical chemistry/ inorganic chemistry/ chemistry/ pharmaceutical chemistry/ forensic science/ environmental science.

Application process- interested candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria can apply online at AcSIR  online- admission portal

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