Food Safety Training Programs

We provide FSSAI FOSTAC Training, MSME Entrepreneurship Training Programs, Lead auditors Training (IRCA & CQI certified), Internal Auditor Training, Training programs on FSSAI standards and other international standards like ISO 22000:2018, FSSC 22000 V 6.0, HACCP, GMP, QMS, GLP, LMS etc.

Consultancy Services


We help Food Entrepreneurs, Startups at each & every step of plant setup from concept design to product development & from production to packaging.  We provide one-step solution to aspiring entrepreneurs for setting up units. We offers a wide range of consulting services in Recipe formulation, Secure efficient & cost effective manufacturing, Business plans & strategic plan development, Providing Training & Development Services.

Online Programs


We provide Online classes for Food safety officer, Food analyst, Junior Food analyst, & FSSAI technical officer exam preparations classes. We have collaboration for some UGC approved universities for MBA and PG diploma courses.

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